Hazleton Works Logo


Video Assets

We have a unique video series that tells the story of the local businesses that create the vibrant business scene in Hazleton. Share these images with the #hazletonworks hashtag across your social media feeds. 

Hazleton Works :60

Hazleton Works :30

Highwood USA

EAM Mosca

Hayden Power


Social Media Assets

We have unique interactive assets that will allow you to share personalized information to your social media platforms. Fill in the assets for stories or add the information to the caption of your post and share these images with the #hazletonworks hashtag across your social media feeds. 

Alternatively, encourage your audience to fill out the appropriate assets and share to their personal social media platforms with the #hazletonworks hashtag.

General Ads

Share Your Story

We want to hear from employers, education programs, and employees from across Hazleton. Use these assets to encourage people to share their story with us!

Printable Posters

Feel free to print our poster series to hang at your school, church, or other organization. Posters are available in both English and Spanish.